We’re about two weeks in now with Facebook’s new timeline format. What do you think? For those of you that would literally travel back in time to get the old Facebook format back, you’re not by yourselves. Reports Mashable.com in a SodaHead.com poll, 70% of respondents dislike Facebook’s recent facelift.  Think Mark Zuckerberg has heard the news?

So if 70% dislike it, who are those in the minority that do like it? States Mashable.com the 18-24 years old that’s who. Following them are the teenagers, 13-17 year olds. But when it comes to gender, women and men equally dislike the Timeline format according to a portion of SodaHead’s infograph.



To see the rest of the infograph visit: “>http://mashable.com/2012/02/07/dislike-facebook-timeline/

Here’s some good news! ‘For those of you in the 77% you can relive the past of the old format. But before you jump for joy, know that this fix is only TEMPORARY.  Timelines for now are here to stay, but with Facebook, anything is subject to change.  So to get some of what you feel you lost click “Get Old Facebook Features Back”.  You can thank me by leaving a relevant comment below on how YOU feel about Facebook timelines?