Could Facebook groups help your business grow? As a small biz owner do you still feel Facebook is your friend? Organic reach of fan page content is down, but the number of advertising options are up! As fan page admins you’ve spent so much time crafting eye catching images, engaging messaging, and even conducting contests, yet still your fan page engagement is low. May be it’s time to switch gears and re-evaluate the benefits of Facebook groups.
For many years we drank the proverbial Kool-Aid on how great fan pages were for businesses and brands. Now almost a decade later things have really changed. What changed was the way Facebook ranked what users see in their coveted and crowded news feeds. We’ve come to know it as the Facebook algorithm, and it changes every couple of years further lessening fan page reach and visibility in users news feeds.
Facebook groups, however, are not at the mercy of algorithm changes–not yet at least! Unlike pages groups provide a sense of community, a place where people talk more amongst each other and not just to an admin or moderator. Generally, engagement is higher. Says, the Digital Hub For StartUps:
The Facebook Page is the brand face on Facebook. The Facebook Groups allow businesses to engage with people in a more intimate setting, and many times, with more personal interaction.
So is it time to consider all your Facebook options and look again at what Facebook groups have to offer? You could use them to connect with customers in new ways such as recruiting ambassadors, conducting focus groups, or providing exclusive content. And although you can’t create ads from your group posts, you can still grow your business with content you post within them.
Josh and Jill Stanton did! On their website,, they explain that if it hadn’t been for Facebook groups their business would not be as successful as it is today! According to their blog they have 3,400 active “Scroupies”, that’s people in their free Facebook group, which they engage with regularly to grow their consulting business.
Still unsure a Facebook group is an option for your business? Take a good look at the infographic below and re-familiarize yourself with the benefits. And if you’re already using Facebook groups for business, share in the comments how you’re using them to better engage with your customers or business leads.