NEW Showbiz Social Media Guide
LIGHTS! CAMERA! SOCIAL MEDIA! Much of the “ACTION!” you are accustomed to seeing in that popular showbiz phrase is beginning to take place online, waaay before it hits sets offline. Enter “A Star is Born Online: The Showbiz Up-And-Comer’s Guide To Social Media Marketing,” last year’s guide for showbiz newbies and professionals. Hitting second screens this year is PART 2!
Why the need for Part 2? Because in the last few years two very useful social media tools were launched. And because social media isn’t just being used to just cast talent now. Even those above the line–producers and directors–are now being contractually required to get involved in social media to promote new projects!
So what’s all this mean for you if you’re starting out or just beginning to get noticed? It means your social profiles and online influence now enter the audition or interview with you. It’s not just about just having the look, talent, and experience anymore.
Decision makers are looking for a fuller package! They’re seeking those with not only the talent, but also the ONLINE AUDIENCE that can be promoted to. And THAT is also why “A Star is Born Online: The Showbiz Up-And-Comer’s Guide to Social Media Marketing Part 1 and PART 2 were produced.
In part 1 of the Showbiz Up-And-Comer’s Guide, the basics of setting up your online presence and generating an audience via social media was covered. Tools and tips on blogging, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are covered in it.
So, in part 2 of the guide Google+ and Pinterest are introduced as viable tools for showbiz individuals that want to showoff their creativity, segment their audiences, and overall enhance casting/hiring potential.
Also in part 2, the new Facebook tools including Timelines and ads are discussed. Yes, ads require money and for many up-and-comers money is very tight. However, Facebook now gives you more options to promote your posts, events, and other content for potentially as little as $10.00 depending on the type of ad you choose.
In addition to Facebook’s new tools and ad options, YouTube’s new approach to online video is also covered in Part 2. As visual creators–videos, movie trailers, film reels, music videos, etc–you need to be knowledgeable of how YouTube has “changed the channel” literally. It’s not about producing a single video in hopes of going viral or at receiving hundreds of hits anymore, the video hosting site is now looking toward long term engagement.
Whether you work in entertainment or not, all this information is useful. Truly how you present yourself online is becoming critical in many hiring decision across all industries. And for many of you, social media marketing has now become part of the job in some way. There more you know, the better you can handle the new task of blogging or updating the company’s Facebook and/or Twitter profiles.
So where do you get the Showbiz Up-And-Comer’s Guide to Social Media Marketing Part 2 as well as Part 1, the original guide? Just click HERE or on the other hyperlinks in this post!