Posted by Diana Freedman at
1. Enable Social Sharing
Add buttons to your blog and even other website pages that allow visitors to share your content on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Some services like Tweetmeme allow you to add RT @YOURUSERNAME to the end of each tweet shared from your site, so that would help you get more followers.
2. Share Quality Content
If you have high-quality and interesting content on your social media profiles, you’re more likely to get more followers than if you were tweeting purely self-promotional updates.
3. Get Employees to Follow
Tell your employees to follow/like/subscribe to your social media profiles. People are more likely to follow pages that already have some sort of following, so your employees will help build your initial numbers.
4. Invite Partners, Vendors, Clients, and Customers
Send a friendly and personalized email to anyone you have a business relationship with, including partners, vendors, clients, and customers, letting them know about your social media profiles.
5. Email Signature
Add links to your company’s social media profiles in your company email signature. Create a signature template that includes these links and encourage your coworkers to use this signature as well.
6. Blog Comment Signature
When you make a comment on a blog post, link to your most active social media profile (usually Twitter or Facebook) in a signature-like style.
7. Include Links on Offers and Assets
Link to your social media profiles on your whitepaper cover page, webinar thank you page, one-page guide footer, etc.
8. CTAs on Thank You Pages
After a new lead fills out a form on your site, it’s a good idea to include links or calls-to-action on the subsequent thank you page encouraging these leads to follow you in social media. If they were interested enough to give you their email address, they’ll likely be interested in following!
9. CTAs on Thank You Emails
Just like you’d add calls-to-action to your thank you pages, add them to your thank you emails. Again, new leads are more likely to at least check out your social media profiles.
10. Cross Promote
Add your Twitter link to your Facebook page, and occasionally tweet about your Facebook page. Don’t stop with Twitter and Facebook; you could also cross-promote on LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, etc.
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